
Recyclable, reusable and compostable packaging

The industry has a straightforward goal: the European Plastics Strategy says that by 2030 all packaging marketed in the European Union has to be recyclable, reusable or compostable. Although this target is only for plastics, all materials are being modified to meet this challenge.

Here at ITENE we can help you to ascertain whether your packaging is recyclable, reusable or compostable. If it is, we can help you to prove it. If it isn’t, we’ll guide you through the adaptation process and suggest the development of new materials with bespoke properties where needed.

Envases reciclables

Why should you check whether your packaging is recyclable, reusable or compostable?

Today’s regulatory framework is driving higher levels of sustainability across the entire value chain. The key regulations are:

  • Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste
  • Amending Directive (EU) 2018/852 on packaging
  • Spain’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Law 11/97
  • European Plastics Strategy
  • Spanish Circular Economy Strategy
  • The Spanish Waste Law
  • The Spanish Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging Waste
  • Future European Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste
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The main targets to be met by the industry are:

  • By 2025, at least 65% of all packaging must be recycled, which means that its design should be improved to make it 100% recyclable.
  • By 2030, all plastics packaging placed on the EU market must be either reusable or be recycled in a cost-effective manner.

Following the publication of the Spanish Waste Law and the Spanish Royal Decree on Packaging, the following measures are in the pipeline:

  • New taxes to drive reductions in plastic packaging materials.
  • Obligation to push forward with packaging reduction, reuse and recycling.
  • Requirement to include recycled materials in packaging.
  • New targets for packaging collection and recycling.

How can you tell whether or not your packaging is recyclable, reusable or compostable?

1. If your packaging is recyclable, reusable or compostable, we can assess it and help you to prove it.

How do we do this? With technical criteria: there are several harmonised standards setting out the requirements packaging has to meet in order to comply with each of these criteria.

For recyclability, the UNE-EN 13430:2004 standard specifies that to be recyclable, packaging has to meet requirements for:

  • design
  • production
  • use
  • collection/sorting
  • recycling technologies

Find out here how to ascertain whether your packaging is recyclable.

For reuse, the UNE-EN 13429:2004 standard stipulates that for packaging to be considered reusable:

  • its design must enable reuse
  • it can be used repeatedly for the same purpose
  • a system for reconditioning, recharging or refilling is available.

For compostability, the UNE-EN 13432:2004 standard states that packaging:

  • may not contain hazardous substances
  • must be biodegradable and disintegrable
  • can be used to make quality compost

Find out here how to ascertain whether your packaging is compostable.

packaging is recyclable

2. If your packaging is not recyclable, reusable or compostable:

botellas reciclables
  • We can help you tailor your packaging to the circular economy strategy.
      • Brainstorming with packaging experts.
      • Suggestions for improvement and choosing the most appropriate option for implementation.
  • We can develop new materials for your packaging: biobased, 100% compostable or biodegradable, 100% recyclable or reusable.

Find out here how we can develop new sustainable and advanced packaging materials.

See our brochures

  • How can I help you?

    César Aliaga

    Head of Packaging and Circular Economy Unit

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